Redshifts of rich clusters of galaxies : J/ApJS/96/343

Authors : Quintana H. orcid , Ramirez A. (hide) , Ramirez A.

Bibcode : 1995ApJS...96..343Q (ADS) (Simbad) (Objects) (hide)

CDS Keywords : Clusters, galaxy; Redshifts
UAT : Galaxy clusters, Redshifted

Records :

Inserted into VizieR : 25-Sep-1997
Last modification : 27-Feb-2013

Redshifts of 165 Abell and southern rich clusters of galaxies. (1995)

Keywords : clusters general - galaxies: distances and redshifts

Abstract:We present spectroscopic observations and accurate positions for 286 galaxies in clusters taken over several observing sessions, mostly with the DuPont telescope at Las Campanas Observatorv. We derive 165 redshifts of rich clusters of which 130 are apparently new values. Redshifts encompass a wide range out to z=0.27 ...(more)
Abstract: (hide)

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