Keywords :
catalogues - surveys - X-rays general
Abstract:We present a catalogue of 147 serendipitous X-ray sources selected to have hard spectra ({alpha}<0.5) from a survey of 188 ROSAT fields. Such sources must be the dominant contributors to the X-ray background at faint fluxes. We have used Monte Carlo simulations to verify that our technique is very efficient at selecting hard sources: the survey has >=10 times as much effective area for hard sources as it has for soft sources above a 0.5-2keV flux level of 10^-14^erg/cm^2^/s. The distribution of best-fitting spectral slopes of the hard sources suggests that a typical ROSAT hard source in our survey has a spectral slope {alpha}~0. The hard sources have a steep number flux relation (dN/dS_{mu}_S^-{gamma}^ with a best-fitting value of