J/ApJS/123/41 Radio galaxies in Las Campanas redshift survey (Machalski+, 1999)
Radio emission from galaxies in the Las Campanas redshift survey.
Machalski J., Condon J.J.
<Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 123, 41 (1999)>
=1999ApJS..123...41M 1999ApJS..123...41M
ADC_Keywords: Redshifts ; Galaxies, IR ; Galaxies, radio
Keywords: catalogs - galaxies: active - galaxies: starburst -
radio continuum: galaxies - surveys
To increase the redshift range and look-back time over which the radio
luminosity function can be measured directly, we identified 1157
galaxies in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey (LCRS, Cat. VII/203)
having isophotal (red) magnitudes mISO≤18.0 with radio sources
brighter than 2.5mJy/beam in the 1.4GHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS,
1998AJ....115.1693C 1998AJ....115.1693C). Since the NVSS has 45" FWHM angular resolution,
these radio and optical limits include nearly all LCRS galaxies with
1.4GHz luminosities L≥1022.4W/Hz at z∼0.05 to L≥1023.6W/Hz at
z∼0.2. The mean redshift ∼0.14 of the radio-detected galaxies is
higher than the mean redshift ∼0.10 of the optical sample. This
indicates that, statistically, the radio emission was detected from
galaxies with the highest optical luminosities. Of the 1157 galaxies,
261 were also identified with far-infrared (FIR) sources in the IRAS
Point Source Catalog and Faint Source Catalog. The principal radio
energy sources in all identified galaxies were classified as either
"starburst" or "AGN" on the basis of their FIR-radio flux ratios, FIR
spectral indices, and radio-optical flux ratios. We show that the
radio-optical flux ratio can be effectively used to classify the
dominant energy source for the radio emission even if FIR fluxes and
radio morphological data are not available.
File Summary:
FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
ReadMe 80 . This file
table2.dat 126 1157 Optical, radio, and infrared data
See also:
VII/203 : Las Campanas Redshift Survey (Shectman+ 1996)
Byte-by-byte Description of file: table2.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 19 A19 --- LCRS LCRS IAU name
21- 22 I2 h RAh Right ascension (J2000)
24- 25 I2 min RAm Right ascension (J2000)
27- 31 F5.2 s RAs Right ascension (J2000)
33 A1 --- DE- Declination sign (J2000)
34- 35 I2 deg DEd Declination (J2000)
37- 38 I2 arcmin DEm Declination (J2000)
40- 43 F4.1 arcsec DEs Declination (J2000)
45- 49 F5.2 mag mISO ISO magnitude
50 A1 --- n_mISO [*] *: magnitude estimated from the
Digitized Sky Survey (DSS)
51- 56 F6.4 --- z Redshift
58- 63 F6.2 mag RMAG Absolute R magnitude
64- 69 F6.1 mJy S1.4GHz Flux density at 1.4GHz
70 A1 --- u_S1.4GHz [)] Uncertainty flag on S1.4GHz
72- 76 F5.2 [W/Hz] logL1.4GHz 1.4GHz spectral luminosity
78 A1 --- l_S25um Limit flag on S25um
79- 82 I4 mJy S25um ? Flux density at 25µm
84- 88 I5 mJy S60um ? Flux density at 60µm
91- 95 I5 mJy S100um ? Flux density at 100µm
99 A1 --- l_SI Limit flag on SI
100-103 F4.2 --- SI ? Spectral index between 25um and 60µm
105 A1 --- l_q Limit flag on q
106-110 F5.2 --- q ? FIR-radio flux ratio parameter
112-116 F5.2 --- r Radio-optical flux-ratio parameter
117 A1 --- u_r [)] Uncertainty flag on r
119-124 A6 --- Type Dominant radio energy source (1)
126 I1 --- Fig [1/2]? Figure number (2)
Note (1): S: stars, AGN: active galactic nuclei
Note (2): Figure number for the contour plot showing the NVSS map overlaid on
the optical DSS image
History: From ApJS electronic version
(End) James Marcout, Patricia Bauer [CDS] 14-Sep-1999